
Our Sunday Service

We gather together on Sunday mornings at 10AM for interactive worship services to worship the Lord as a body of believers through the expression of praise in song, tithes and offerings, passing of peace and teaching from Scripture.  Along with this each week we focus our service on the following different intentional and essential acts of worship to the Lord:

  • First Sunday:  Communion
    – corporate communion
  • Second Sunday: Intercession Prayer
    – an extended time of prayer and intercession
  • Third Sunday: First Fruits
    – bring fresh fruit, vegetables and milk for our neighbors in need
  • Fourth Sunday: Family Sunday
    – kids stay with their families for the service and we share a family meal in the park afterward

Kids Worship & Service

Let the little children come to me, and do not prevent them: for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 10:14
If we exist for no other reason, it is to provide a place where our kids are free to play at the feet of Jesus. We encourage parents to worship with their kids. Please know that your children are welcome to remain with you throughout the entire service.

*We provide children’s church during Sunday message time.