PRAYER WORKS | Prayer Requests for Australia


As part of the global church, we want to continue partnering with Australia through intercession.

Please pray for the students who received Christ for the first time that they would continue to pursue relationship with Him, and would find Christian fellowship.

Pray for Christian school staff to be strengthened and added in number, especially at Tara Anglican School and The Entrance High. Please especially pray for resources at the Entrance to reinstate a school chaplain.

Pray for refreshment and resources to come to the staff and students at YWAM Newcastle. They are doing important work spreading the love of God with the youth and in the brothels of the downtown area.

Pray for the old and new friendships built through mission trip connections; that they may have fresh wind in their sails, to be renewed in their strength and continue pursuing the Lord.

Pray for the poor, the homeless, the sick, the addicts and those who are recovering, for provision, healing, and grace.

Pray for the girls at Tara that any seeds that were planted would continue to grow and that truth would make its way from the head to the heart.

Pray for scripture classes to be preserved and protected by law in New South Wales.

Pray for unity and cooperation among the churches of Australia.