FWC Worship Music Library – 2018 Playlist

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” – I Peter 2:9 (ESV)

The Worship Team has been working to create a setlist of 25 songs to be used as our music “library” from now until Advent. We’ll be singing songs from this list every Sunday, only varying in the space after the benediction, during which you may also hear some tunes written by members of our own community. (Noticing some gaps in the list? Don’t worry: We’ll be filling those in throughout the season with new “Songs of the Month” until we hit the full 25.)
Why are we doing this?
Our heart is to call our body into an even deeper intentionality and strength of declaration. Let’s get inside these songs together – and let them get inside of us – so that, as they come pouring out of our mouths in beautiful and life-giving familiarity, they ring out in unified expression as anthems proclaiming “the excellencies of him who called [us].”
What can I do?
Join with us in learning the songs and singing them with your whole heart – and not just on Sundays. We’ve created this playlist with the hope that you can listen in throughout your week – and, in doing so, use your week as preparation to enter the sacred space of worship with your brothers and sisters each Sunday. So, learn them, sing them, teach them to your kids, and sing them again.
May we all, as living stones, beat the rocks in crying out, in proclaiming His excellencies, and in “unleashing a congregational sound of conviction” as we move in this season together.*
*Quotation source: Keith and Kristyn Getty (2017): Sing!: How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church, p. 18